EPISODE 1 – Guess Who’s Coming to Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner: Peg’s mom, ‘Mama Wanker’ moves to the Bundys residence after fighting with her husband. Al goes to Wanker in attempt to get her husband to apologize to her so she would move back. Bud, on the other hand, tries to move out but not able to find an apartment he can afford, so he moved back and stays at the basement.
EPISODE 2 – A Shoe Room with a View: Al was able to convince Gary to put up an aerobics studio next to her shoe store. Unfortunately, the studio attracts fat women only.
EPISODE 3 – Requiem For a Dead Briard: This is the episode we say goodbye to Buck. He dies and his punishment at animal heaven is to return to the Bundys as their new pet, Lucky. The Bundys are looking for a new pet and Lucky appears during a séance the family is having.
EPISODE 4 – Reverend Al: As a result of beer tax raise, Al and his men group decided to create their own church. Unexpectedly, the group receives sympathy and donations from married men in America which made it possible for NO MA’AM’s group to build the church.
EPISODE 5 – How Bleen Was My Kelly: Kelly prepares to a scientist in a movie role and creates a new color ‘Bleen’. After leaving it in the bathroom, Al accidentally uses it and grows a hair. Kelly is using Bud to find an antidote.
EPISODE 6 – The Weaker Sex: Peg and Marcy take a self-defense class. Al thinks that taking the class would not benefit her. Peg proves him wrong knocking out a guy who tries to steal from Al’s pocket. Now Al has to regain his manhood.
EPISODE 7 – Flight of the Bumblebee: Bud needs to pass NO MA’AM’s challenges in order to join the group. Instead of only having a picture taken with a wrestler (guest star King-Kong Bundy), Bud ends up in the ring.
EPISODE 8 – Blond and Blonder: Kelly has a 5 years high school reunion and finds that the nerd guy she used to bully is now rich and that girls are trying to compete for him. Marcy is organizing a ‘toys for guns’ campaign.
EPISODE 9 – The Two that Got Away: Al and Jefferson decide to go fishing for the weekend. They are forced to leave the lodge they were supposed to stay at because a celebrity (Shannon Tweed guest appearance) took their reservation. They head back home where they find out that Jefferson accidentally took a photo of Shannon seducing the owner of the lodge and put it on auction. Bud and Kelly try to get Lucky a role in a commercial
EPISODE 10 – Dud Bowl II: Kyoto National Bank wants to donate a scoreboard to Polk High and name it after Al. Marcy tries to stop the bank in giving the scoreboard to Al and finds another famous Polk high player (Terry Bradshaw guest appearance).
EPISODE 11 – Bearly Men: Al and Bud, wanting to prove to Peg’s dad Ephraim they are as tough as him, went to the woods for bear hunt. They brought home a bear that they thought is already dead only to find out that it was just knocked out. Trouble starts as the bear goes out wrecking the town.
EPISODE 12 – Love Conquers Al: Peg and Al join Ephraim and his wife at a marriage retreat park to save their marriage. On the other hand, Kelly asks for Bud’s help by dating her new boyfriend’s cousin.
EPISODE 13 – I Can’t Believe It’s Butter: Al’s No MA’AM partners are addicted to having adult phone conversations with ‘Butter’ who turns out to be Peg’s mom.
EPISODE 14 – The Hood, the Bud and the Kelly (Part 1): Bud borrows money from Vito, a mob, to finish an exercise video which would star Kelly and Rafael. He needed to finish the video or else he will get into trouble. Al and Jefferson try to install a satellite dish.
EPISODE 15 – The Hood, the Bud and the Kelly (Part 2): Still not able to finish the video, Gino, Vito’s hatchet was caught by Bud talking to another mob that happens to be Vito’s enemy. Caught on tape, he will use this get his self out of trouble. Meanwhile, Al and Jefferson install the dish and comfortably watch TV from the roof.
EPISODE 16 – Calendar Girl: In order to beat their rival shoe maker Babcock, Al and Bud came up with an idea of using a calendar full of sexy women. Their plan went on successfully not knowing that one of their models has a secret.
EPISODE 17 – The Agony and the Extra C: While in the hospital, Jefferson tells Kelly and Bud that he got a tattoo for his anniversary with Marcy. To prove his love, he wanted to get tattooed with “I love Marcy”. Instead, he got “I love Mary”.
EPISODE 18 – Spring Break (Part 1): Bud, together with his friends, wanted to go to Fort Lauderdale for a vacation. Everything was ready until Kelly was able to convince Bud to give their tickets to her so she and her girlfriends escape their boyfriends. Al, Jefferson and Griff go the same direction to judge a bikini contest.
EPISODE 19 – Spring Break (Part 2): When Al finds out that the bikini contest has a $100K award he puts Kelly in the competition. Marcy and Bud arrive to ruin everything.
EPISODE 20 – Turning Japanese: Marcy is up for promotion. To get the promotion, Marcy needed to impress her boss, Mr. Shimokawa. She needed to convince Al to sell his Dodge when she finds out that her boss wants Al’s car.
EPISODE 21 – Al Goes to the Dogs: Al builds a house for his dog Lucky with the help of Carlos, Kelly’s boyfriend, after Marcy paid an inspector to harass him.
EPISODE 22 – Enemies: A spinoff pilot episode, Kelly gets involved with a guy named Tom, who has on and off relationship with his girlfriend Shannon. Shannon, wanting to make Tom jealous dates another guy and the four of them end up having dinner.
EPISODE 23 – Bud Hits the Books: Bud is trying to concentrate for his examination which he needs to pass in order to graduate. He then decides to study in the library to avoid getting distracted. He failed after he was caught touching himself and is now in danger of getting expelled. Marcy is out in his defense.
EPISODE 24 – Kiss of the Coffee Woman: Kelly and Jefferson get a commercial job which requires them to kiss. Marcy and Al aren’t too happy when they find out the script.
EPISODE 25 – Torch Song Duet: Griff takes part in a radio sports contest in order to get a free ticket to Atlanta Olympic Games. He wins with the help of Al, which was not allowed to participate.
EPISODE 26 – The Joke’s on Al: An old friend comes to visit the the Bundy home and starts seducing Al. Al, thinking that it is still part of Jefferson ‘s practical joke, agrees to marry her. Peg comes on time and stops them. Meanwhile, Griff is facing a death penalty to a NO MA’AM member’s hoax.