Episode 1 – PILOT: In the 1st episode of MWC, Al Bundy needs to decide whether to attend a game of basketball or join his wife, Peggy, in meeting their new and yuppie neighbors Steve and Marcy Rhoades.
Episode 2 – THINERGY: Influenced by a diet book from Marcy to enhance their romantic life, Peg decides the whole family ought to be eating healthier and starts them on a diet plan. Al tells Steve that his life is hell because of it and asks him if Marcy really despises him so much, and he admits she does, but the book was really supposed to help their romantic life. Al in fact says “I love you” to Peg at the end of the show.
Episode 3 – BUT I DIDN’T SHOOT THE DEPUTY: There’s a rash of break ins in the neighborhood. The Rhodes’ home is broken into and Al’s vehicle stereo system is stolen. Each family seeks defense options: The Rhodes get a dog which will not cease barking, while Al buys a gun.
Episode 4 – WHOSE ROOM IS IT ANYWAY: Marcy and Steve intend to add an additional new room into their home making use of their tax return funds. Al persuades Steve to use it as a pool room whilst Peggy persuades Marcy to make an exercise room, which results in a battle to determine who’s going to triumph.
Episode 5 – HAVE YOU DRIVEN A FORD LATELY: Steve and Al purchase a Mustang from Kelly’s boyfriend. Shortly they form companionship while restoring it just like new. Only trouble is that they are ignoring their wives. Marcy experiences something in the backseat of the Ford Mustang and when Al finds out, he won’t allow her to forget about it.
Episode 6 – SIXTEEN YEARS AND WHAT DO YOU GET: Al is not able to buy a present for Peg for their 16th anniversary and then learns that his credit card was maxed by Peg and Kelly, who used it to purchase presents for him and cover their meals and pleasure activities.
Episode 7 – MARRIED…WITHOUT CHILDREN: Marcy and Steve learn how hard it is to take care of Kelly, Bub and Buck, when Al and Peggy go for a few days to a motel in Wisconsin, where all Al wants to do is watch boxing on TV.
Episode 8 – THE POKER GAME: Al invites Steve to enjoy a poker night together with his close friends, but Steve eventually loses his paycheck to Al. Following that, Steve attempts to avoid telling Marcy the truth about losing their house payment money whilst Al intends to use his profits to purchase a brand new fishing pole.
Episode 9 – PEGGY SUE GOT WORK: Peggy gets a job selling clocks in a department store at the mall because Al will not get her a VCR. The two are dissatisfied with the situation and pay Bud and Kelly to advice that Peggy ought to leave her job.
Episode 10 – AL LOSES HIS CHERRY: Al runs away from home after having a fight with Peg and stays with his good friend, Luke. Luke, in turn, invites two ladies over at his place where one eye-catching airplane stewardess, tries to tempt Al.
Episode 11 – NIGHTMARE ON AL’S STREET: Marcy freaks out as she starts getting sexual dreams about Al after having a heated debate about men vs. women, while Steve comes to Al for tips on Marcy’s unexpected lack of sexual desires.
Episode 12 – WHERE’S THE BOSS: The near death of the owner of Gary’s shoes store makes Al think why he never been to the shop. Al takes action and threatens to get another job unless of course he receives some appreciation for his work.
Episode 13 – JOHNNY B. GONE: A series of crises prevent Peggy and Al’s going to the out of business party of their beloved hamburger joint, including Kelly being stood up from going to a party, Bud attempting to finish off a remote-controlled car for the model car event, and Marcy stuck with the Bundys with just a towel as a result of staining her dress.